

53:19 The Prophet performed a prostration and all pagans prostrated along with him.
53:19Have you considered Lat, Uzza and Manat?
22:52 When prophets spoke, Satan can always threw into it some misunderstanding
17:73 They hope that you would falsely attribute something else to Us
Hadith Al Bukhari 1071 (en en2) Satanic verses (5)
Mohamed prayed and prostrated with Muslims, pagans, jinns, and all human beings
Hadith Al Bukhari 4862 (en en2) The Prophet performed a prostration and all pagans prostrated along with him.
Quran An-Najm(The Star) 53:19-24 (en en2 tfs tfs2) Satanic verses (5)
Have you considered Lat, Uzza and Manat? These are names that you and your forefathers have made up
Quran Al-Hajj(The Pilgrimage) 22:52 (en en2 tfs tfs2) Free will (30) Satanic verses (5) The Coran is a guide (12) Great Jihad, Soul (6)
When prophets spoke, Satan can always threw into it some misunderstanding
Quran Al-Isra(The Night Journey) 17:73 (en en2 tfs tfs2) Satanic verses (5) Shirk, association, idolâtrie (12)
They hope that you would falsely attribute something else to Us